Friday, September 5, 2008


Forex Glossary

Wash Trade
A matched deal which produces neither a gain nor a loss.

Term for where a trader takes a position, then experiences a move against it, triggering stop loss limits and liquidation of positions, followed by a reversal and move in the original direction. Normally occurs in volatile markets.

Wholesale Money
Money borrowed in large amounts from banks and institutions rather than from small investors

Wholesale Price Index
It measures changes in prices in the manufacturing and distribution sector of the economy and tends to lead the consumer price index by 60 to 90 days. The index is often quoted separately for food and industrial products.

Withholding Tax
Income tax withheld from employees' wages and paid directly to the government by the employer

Wire Transfer
The transfer of money electronically from one bank to another.

Working Balance
Discretionary element in the monetary reserves of a central bank.

Working Day
A day on which the banks in a currency's principal financial centre are open for business. For FX transactions, a working day only occurs if the bank in both (all relevant currency centers in the case of a cross are open)

World Bank
A bank made up of members of the IMF whose aim is to assist in the development of member states by making loans where private capital is not available